Living in Monaco

2024 06 10 Didier GUILLAUME

Mr Didier GUILLAUME will succeed H.E. Mr Pierre DARTOUT as Minister of State on 2 September 2024, having held the post for the past 4 years.

2024 05 30 Monaco SOHN

The 4th Sohn Monaco Investment Conference will be held on Wednesday 26 June 2024 at the Monaco Yacht Club, under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.

2024 04 18 Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson, Director of Asset Allocation Research at INVESCO*, shared his views on the current issues and their implications for the financial markets. He was invited by Sophie GEST, President of ACI, The Financial Market Association.

2024 03 Genta small

Frédéric Genta, Interministerial Delegate for Attractiveness and Digital Transition, within the government of the Principality of Monaco, discussed the ambitions of the Principality of Monaco in the digital age, in the Tech & Co program presented by François Sorel. Here is the replay of the show.

2024 03 08 ACI Monaco

ACI Monaco was founded in the Principality thirty-two years ago, as an affiliate of the ACI FMA, established in 1955. Since then, it has carried on the commitments espoused by the umbrella organisation: developing and promoting market activities, encouraging friendly professional relations between stakeholders, expanding access to professional training, and compliance with the ethical rules applicable to the sector.

2024 02 12 Emmanuel MONTIGAUD

The AMCO has more than 200 members from 12 different industries. They include banks, management firms, TCSPs and MFOs, lawyers and legal advisors, certified accountants, estate agents, yacht brokers, sports agents, insurers, casinos, and consultants. We spoke to Emmanuel MONTIGAUD, President of the AMCO and Chief Compliance Officer at BNP Paribas Monaco.

2024 01 29 Sophie Thevenoux

Sophie Thevenoux, Ambassador, Special Adviser for European Economic and Financial Affairs, has been appointed Director of the AMSF. She will take up her duties on January 29 at the head of this independent administrative authority, recently created to replace SICCFIN, in order to continue the fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and corruption.

2024 01 29 Mathieu NEGRE

While there is no irrefutable proof in individual cases that investor engagement is what convinces a company to provide impact data, there is no doubt that collective efforts to encourage it, especially the CDP’s annual drive, do have an effect.

2024 01 22 Magali Dumoitier

The Principality of Monaco has set itself ambitious goals in terms of sustainability and energy efficiency. Energy demand in buildings accounts for 33.4% of greenhouse gas emissions (*). Real estate financing is therefore a challenge for sustainable finance..

2024 01 17 Robert Laure

Last December, Robert LAURE, Vice-Chairman of Julius Baer Wealth Management Monaco, was elected by his peers to the presidency of the Association Monégasque des Activités Financières (AMAF), succeeding Etienne FRANZI.

2024 01 09 Fabio Vitale

Philanthropy is a personal choice that people make for a wide range of reasons. That’s why in 2008 BNP Paribas Wealth Management Monaco created a specialist department, to offer clients personalised advice on their philanthropy journey. Fabio VITALE, Head of Wealth Planning & Impact Solutions at BNP Paribas Wealth Management Monaco, helps clients to work out tailored strategies for managing their assets and achieving their philanthropic goals effectively.