Monaco for Finance: launch of the 3rd edition of the Monaco Association of Financial Activities magazine

2022 11 15 lancementMFF 2

On 9th November last, the Monaco Association of Financial Activities (AMAF) launched the new annual edition of its magazine Monaco For Finance, a tool to promote the attractiveness of the financial centre.

Mr. Etienne FRANZI, President of AMAF, welcomed numerous guests, including Mrs. Brigitte BOCCONE PAGES, President of the National Council, Mr. Jean CASTELLINI, Ministerial Advisor of the Department of Finance and Economy, Mr. Balthazar SEYDOUX, Vice-President of the National Council and President of the Finance and National Economy Commission, Mr. Michel HUNAULT, Director of SICCFIN, Mr. Philippe ORTELLI, President of FEDEM, Mr. Stéphane VALERI, Administrator of SBM.

After thanking the participants, Mr. FRANZI welcomed Mr. CASTELLINI to the Tribune. Having underlined the resilience of the financial market and its contribution to the creation of wealth and jobs in the Principality, the Minister Counsellor then evoked the quality of the relations between the public authorities and the financial professionals, as well as the close collaboration with SICCFIN. He announced the creation of the Monegasque Association for Sustainable Finance in Monaco (AMFID), whose mission is to facilitate the exchange of experiences between the ESG expert members of AMAF, and to promote the culture of sustainable finance in the financial industry. The vote of the DDOEJ law, which provides a new legislative framework to develop the attractiveness of the financial market, was also welcomed, as well as the Principality's membership in the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in favor of investor protection.
Gérald MATHIEU, Chairman of the AMAF Commission for the Promotion of the Financial Market, concluded with the association's 2023 projects, and the strong mobilization of its members to make the financial market a major point of attractiveness in Monaco, thus attracting new talents.


Photo Credit:  © Direction de la Communication / Manuel Vitali