Huge success for 8th Forum on Sandwich Courses and 13th Meeting on Careers in Banking and Finance

2019 03 19 Forum Formation Alternance

On Wednesday 6 March 2019, the Rainier III Auditorium hosted the 8th Forum on Sandwich Courses and the 13th Meeting on Careers in Banking and Finance.

These events are aimed at students of all levels aged between 16 and 26, giving them a chance to meet regional specialists in sandwich training, as well as companies from the Principality which are partnering this initiative.

“This year, 72 organisations were represented: 36 Monegasque companies, 14 banks and management companies and 22 schools from the region, as well as the Academic Counselling and Education Resource Centre. They took it in turns to meet potential applicants, provide information about working in their respective fields and about the training opportunities available, and to offer advice to young people.” More than 600 young people attended over the course of the day, which is an extremely positive outcome for this year’s events.