Legal Environment

2016-03 agnes

On 9 March last, AMAF invited the CCIN to meet its members for a conference on the subject of the automatic exchange of information. The event was brilliantly orchestrated by Mrs Agnès LEPAULMIER, Secretary General of the CCIN, and Messrs AOUIZERAT and MENINI, Legal Administrators specialising in finance. You will find below a transcript of what was said.

2015-11 hervo

On 6 November, the Comité Français d’Organisation et de Normalisation Bancaires (CFONB) meetings took place in Monaco, their main theme being "new forms of fraud". We asked Mr. Frédéric Hervo, CFONB Vice-President and Bank of France Director of Payment Systems and Market Infrastructures, about the content of his speech at this symposium.

2015-11 Recontres-CFONB

The Comité Français d’Organisation et de Normalisation Bancaire held its annual meetings on the topic "New forms of fraud" in Monaco on 6 November. We met one of the speakers, Mr. Christian Lothion, Director of the security department and "Security" Advisor of the Fédération Bancaire Française, and former Head of the Judicial Police.

2015-10 bsi-umberto-alonziBSI, founded in 1987 in Monaco, specialises in wealth management. It benefits from longstanding experience, professional competence and the BSI Group’s international contacts. Meet Umberto Alonzo, Managing Director.

2014-04 AMCOMarc Casanova, having taken over from François Poher, is now the new president of AMCO, the Monegasque Association of Compliance Officers.  The current Secretary General of Banque de Gestion Edmond de Rothschild in Monaco, he has spent the best part of his career in the banking sector...

2013-article-ordre-experts-comptablesThe financial statements of a firm or a group are a major part of its financial communication. But, the rules determining the presentation of these financial statements may vary whether they are international (International Financial Reporting Standards – IFRS) or local (e.g. US GAAP, French norms, UK GAAP etc…). Though, we could identify a global use of the IFRS in most of the industrialized and emerging countries, what about Monaco, a major financial platform, where accounting rules are not well known?

The Monegasque banking and financial marketplace, renowned for its conscientious approach and strict confidentiality, has adopted tough ‘know your customer’ legislation. The Act stipulates that the banks and other professionals covered by it must carry out customer checks.

2012 gafi smallSince February the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has adopted 40 new recommendations. The aim of this review is to update and strengthen the framework of recommendations in response to the new dangers that threaten the international financial system. 

2012 securite-juridiqueAMCO, the Association Monégasque des Compliance Officers, was founded in 2000 under the auspices of the Monaco Bankers Association - which has since become the Monegasque Association for Financial Activities (Association Monégasque des Activités Financières - AMAF) - and the Department for Information and Control of Financial Circuits (Service d’Information et de Contrôle sur les Circuits Financiers - SICCFIN). The President of AMAF and the Director of SICCFIN are honorary members.

BF 2011-2012 p72-deontologie smallEthics concern more than the money markets. Compliance officers ensure that their banks or management companies offer unimpeachable services. Presentation.

BF 2011-2012 p70-deontologie smallEnsuring compliance with regulations, but also promoting the attractiveness and high quality of the financial market: these are the goals of the Commission.