Legal Environment

2022 12 21 GordonSBlairLaw 1.515 of 23rd December 2021, resulting from Bill 1.035 and amending law 1.338 of 7th September 2007 on financial activities in the Principality, came into force on 7th January 2022.

2022 12 19 CCAFThe last months have been marked by a new law modifying and dusting off the law 1338 on financial activities voted in 2007. Magali VERCESI, Secretary General of the CCAF, details its effects.

2022 12 16 MetaversJérémy GENIN, Chief Investment Officer of Monaco Asset Management, discussed the monetisation of Metaverse at the META ENTERTAINMENT WORLD Summit in Monaco. The associations NFT, Blockchains, Cryptos and Meta World, not always relevant, blur the lines.

2022 11 16 gel de fonds 2The Budget and Treasury Department, in collaboration with the Digital Services Department launches a new website

2022 11 02 adhesion ccafThe Secretary General of the Commission de Contrôle des Activités Financières, Magali Vercesi, attended the annual Congress of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) from 17 to 19 October.

2022 10 07 entraide penale internationaleOn October 4th, the Secretary of State for Justice addressed the members of the Monegasque Association of Financial Activities during a lunch conference organized by the AMAF.

2022 07 08 fautrierLast June, Mr. Frédéric FAUTRIER, Director of the Monegasque Agency for Digital Security, met with the Bureau of the Monegasque Association of Financial Activities to review its work.

2022 06 22 amaf amsnLast Thursday, June 23, the AMAF Board, chaired by Mr. Etienne FRANZI, received Mr. Frédéric FAUTRIER, Director of the AMSN. This agency, created in 2015, is the national authority in charge of information systems security. It is a center of expertise, answer and treatment in terms of security and digital attacks for the State and public or private operators.

2022 05 13 andre zilioThe independent investment group SILEX, an expert in asset allocation through its asset management activities and structured solutions, offers decarbonization of client portfolios. Interview with Andre Zilio, Managing Director of SILEX SAM.

2022 05 03 reunion blanchiementThis morning, under the chairmanship of the Minister of State, Pierre Dartout, was held the 2nd meeting of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee of the national strategy to combat money laundering, financing of terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and corruption.

2022 02 28 rapport annuel ccafThe Financial Activities Supervisory Commission (CCAF) is responsible for oversight of the Monegasque financial industry. Magali Vercesi, Secretary-General of the CCAF, offers a quick rundown of 2020/21.