New amendment to the Monegasque Collective Labor Agreement for Banks employees

Amendment No. 22 to the Monegasque Collective Labor Agreement for Banks Employees was signed on 7 July 2017 between the Monegasque Association of Financial Activities (AMAF), represented by MM. E. FRANZI, President and T. GARDE, Vice-President of Social Affairs, duly mandated by the General Assembly of 12 December 2016 and the Union of Banks Graduate Employees and Executives (SEGCB), represented by MM. P-F CRESPI, Secretary General and P. DE PORTU, Adviser, and Mrs A-M. PELAZZA, Adviser, duly authorized by the General Meeting of 2 February 2017.

It refers to the updating of the fixed-term employment contract (CDD) provisions and the addition of a new article on grant days for the benefit of an employee whose spouse, child or parent is seriously ill.